Have you ever thought that you may have a heart attack but you do not even know about it. You may have felt strange to hear this, but it is true. This type of heart attack is called silent heart attack and its symptoms do not come out open or emerging. For example, when a 70-year-old woman had a heart attack and the doctors examined her at the hospital, it was found out that it was not her first heart attack. Tests conducted to investigate the damage done to Hart revealed that Hart also had some dead muscles due to a previous heart attack that had not been identified.

Doctors said that the woman had a silent myocardial infarction or SMI in the past. It is called silent because no symptoms occur during this period that require a visit to a doctor or medical attention. There are millions of people all over the world who fall prey to this type of silent heart attack. In such people, the risk of severe heart attack increases significantly, which increases the risk of their death.
When, why and how SMI is a common heart attack, it is like a warning that the patient needs to change his lifestyle so that cardiac risk can be reduced. For this, along with diet and exercise, necessary medicines are also given. Some studies conducted in Iceland and Finland in the past have tried to find out how SMI ie silent myocardial infarction occurs, when it occurs and what and how it can result.
SMI was held in 1322 out of 5869 people
In July 2019, a study published in the journal JAMA Cardiology included autopsy reports of 5 thousand 869 women and men. The average age of all of them was 65 years and they all died suddenly in northern Finland. Out of 5869 people, evidence of silent heart attack was found in 1 thousand 322 people and there was no coronary heart disease in any of these people. According to the Authors of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, people who have silent heart attack are unaware of its symptoms so they are unable to control their physical exertion.
There are some mild symptoms that should not be ignored.According to
Northwestern University cardiologist Dr. Robert O Bono, a silent heart attack is not always silent, but it also shows some symptoms such as feeling of chest discomfort, heartburn. Dizziness, shortness of breath, etc. Such things happen to a large number of people in the coming days, but people ignore it as a problem of minor gas or acid. Especially in women, such symptoms are unclear or unknown and they do not even know that they have had a heart attack.