Himachal Weather Forecast, weather conditions may change again in Himachal Pradesh. Heavy snowfall is expected on February 21 on the Mahashivaratri festival in the upper regions of the state including the capital Shimla. The meteorological department has issued a yellow alert in this regard. People have been asked to remain alert under yellow alert. The changing nature of the weather will begin to appear in the medium and high altitude areas of the state on 18 and 19 February.
At the same time, due to the activation of the western wind on 20 and 21 February, life in high altitude areas of the state can be derailed again. Heavy snowfall is expected in high altitude areas during these two days, while moderate elevation is likely to bring heavy to very heavy rainfall. Due to the cold, people in the high altitude areas of the state including the capital Shimla were relieved for a week. These days, the temperature has increased by five to seven degrees Celsius. Due to changing weather conditions in the state, the cold can increase.
Farmers are waiting for rain in the state. Rainfall can be harmful for gardeners these days as flax is being planted in staggered fruit orchards in areas of moderate elevation. Rain and hailstorm can affect flying, which will affect yields. It is necessary to keep the temperature in the gardens between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius during the time of flying. The fall in temperature can also be a big hit for the gardeners.
Where is the temperature
Location, minimum, maximum
Kelang, -7.6,7.5
Kalpa, -1.5,10.7
Solan, 3.5,24.0
Bhuntar, 3.7,24.0
Sundernagar, 5.3,24.3
Shimla, 6.2,18.0
Chamba, 6.3,23.5
Una, 6.4,28.0
Dharamshala, 8.2,17.8
Market, 8.5,24.1
Nahan, 12.5,20.5 (temperature in degrees Celsius)