With the help of biometric technology, now the passenger of General Bougie traveling on the railway can be verified. Indian Railways has started this facility at Ahmedabad railway station. Due to this biometric service, crime on the train will be prevented. After the introduction of this new service, passengers will have to take a biometric token before traveling in General Bagi. This token will be found through a biometric machine installed at the station. Passengers will be able to sit in General Bougie only after the token is issued. Due to which the chaos for the seat in the train will also be stopped. Apart from this, passengers can be identified at the time of any major accident. This new identification system will be introduced in the next phase at Mumbai Central and Bandra terminus.
This is technology
In biometric identification tokens, facial recognition can be done through passengers’ fingerprints. Railways have used base-based technology for this. For example, for Aadhaar cards, users are identified by their biometric details. Similarly, passengers can be identified through this biometric machine. CCTV camera has also been fitted in this machine, which will click the picture of the face of the passengers. Only after taking a biometric token, passengers will be able to sit in the General Bagi of any train. For this, railway police personnel will be stationed at the train’s general bogie gate and will allow passengers to enter the train only after seeing the token.
Will work like this
The biometric system has become the most important means of identifying people. These biometric machines installed at the railway station will work with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Due to the biometric details of the users and the token containing the face picture, passengers traveling in General Bagi will not be able to give their wrong identity or hide their identity. Through this system, the right passenger can be identified and the entry of anti-social elements into the railway can be stopped. Every passenger traveling in a reserve coach has to keep their identity card, but passengers traveling in General Baggie travel without an identity card. In such a situation, this new technology system will be able to identify the right passengers. Not only this, it will also help in identifying passengers at the time of accident.