COVID-19: More than 100 people died in UK in a single day for the first time

COVID-19: More than 100 people died in UK in a single day for the first time
COVID-19: More than 100 people died in UK in a single day for the first time
The total death toll in the UK has increased from 463 to 578. The Corona virus has caused more than 100 deaths in a single day.

London, AFP. Britain on Thursday recorded more than 100 corona virus deaths in 24 hours for the first time, with 115 people found positive by the virus. With this, the total death toll in the UK has now risen from 463 to 578.

The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) recently compared it to the tsunami given the increasing number of new corona virus patients. Chris Hopson of the NHS Provider told BBC Radio, “Hospitals in the capital London are currently experiencing a large number of corona virus patients and are seriously ill. It seems there is a constant tsunami of seriously ill patients.

Let me tell you that the corona virus has been infiltrated in Britain in the royal family as well. Prince Charles has been caught by the virus, his test came positive on Wednesday. Soon after, his wife Camilla was quarantined and the sanitization of the royal palace was also done.

In view of the increasing number of patients, ventilators are already being arranged in the UK, where there are already 8,000 ventilators, but cases have reached around 10,000. There are currently 8,000 ventilators and 8,000 more ventilators a week. Junior Health Minister Edward Argar said on Thursday, “8,000 are present in the country and orders have been placed for 8,000 which will arrive here in the next one or two weeks”.

He told BBC TV, ‘The time to come depends on the speed from which it will be installed.’ On Wednesday, James Dyson, founder of the vacuum cleaner manufacturer Dyson, said the government had ordered 10,000 units from his company.

The virus, which originated from China, has so far infected all 196 countries of the world. There have been many big victims of this infection. According to the worldometer, 531,864 cases of corona virus have been reported worldwide so far. Of these 24, 073 people have died. At the same time, the good thing is that in 531, 864 cases 123, 942 people have recovered themselves.

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