CHINA's Bat Woman Xi Jengli warns, many more epidemics like corona will spread if research is not done

CHINA’s Bat Woman Xi Jengli warns, many more epidemics like corona will spread if research is not done

CHINA's Bat Woman Xi Jengli warns, many more epidemics like corona will spread if research is not done
Xi Jinli, a scientist known as Bat Woman of China, has warned that how many viruses like corona still exist in nature. Many epidemics can spread if research is not done.

Beijing The world is troubled by the corona, it is busy estimating the economic, social and mental damage caused by the book. Many countries are still in panic from Corona, life is lying there. The wheel of life that is going on in the normal way has stopped completely. Now an attempt is being made to speed him up again. Meanwhile, there is another shocking news from China. After knowing this, the heart of people is going to come again.

China’s bat woman warned

In fact, famous scientist Xi Jengli, China’s Bat Woman, has warned that how many viruses like corona are still present in nature. Many pandemics such as the corona can spread if research is not done. After giving such a warning, once again all the countries of the world are in the can. He says that no vaccine or injection has yet been made to deal with corona, but only the information of spreading such virus causes tremors and fear in the body.

Due to Corona, many countries had to lockdown, how much damage was caused by that lockdown can not be accurately estimated. All economists are only speculating but no one is able to reach the truth. Meanwhile another such news is a matter of concern for all. From the beginning, bats are considered inauspicious. But since the outbreak of Corona, they have also been considered as distributors of disease, because bats have been considered the first SARS and now Covid-19’s birth bats.

Virus expert

Xi Jengli of China is the expert of these bats and their dangerous viruses. Jengli has been doing research on the virus of bats for 15 years at the Wuhan Virology Lab in the same Wuhan city. When he said about more viruses like Corona, the ears of the people stood up. By the way, if someone jokingly says about viruses like Corona, no one will believe it once but when a scientist talks like this, it is bound to believe.

Many viruses like SARS exist in the environment

Xi Jengli warned that she has been doing research for 15 years. His team has so far isolated only three types of coronaviruses from bats. One of these is 96 percent similar to SARS virus and the other is 79.8 percent similar to SARS-Cove-2 virus. They found viruses like SARS. Identified genetic differences in viruses through tracing. We call them viruses associated with SARS. This means that not only SARS, viruses like SARS can also be a serious threat to mankind. Now it has to be researched for how much quantity is present.

In 2002, the SARS virus, such as Covid-19, also spread to China. Research has been done in the lab since 2004, in which Xi Jengli has a big role. Now Jengli is saying that there is a need to increase research or else such epidemics will continue. Shengli says that Covid-19 was detected early due to research. Otherwise people were getting sick and reaching the hospital and dying there.

When the disease spread enough, it was found out, for this, the team of doctors did a lot of research and then the curtain was also lifted from this mystery. There are many types of bats and wild animals in the world and they can contain many types of viruses. He said that scientists have yet to find out about the many types of viruses present in animals and issue warnings about them so that medicines can be made to protect them.

Xi said that these viruses are present in nature, whether you accept it or not. Another pandemic could spread if we do not research them. So, before they spread, we are trying to find them.

If the research is not done then more epidemics will spread

Jengli said that the study was started in 2004. In 15 years we have a large scale of materials, technology and we have talent. For this reason, it was easy for us to understand the disease early. They say that if the study is not done, more epidemics will continue to spread. According to Jengli, there are viruses in nature that we must accept.

Wuhan-based virology lab director Wang Yanayi said the allegations of corona outbreaks from the lab are fabricated and his institute has so far not conducted any research on the SARS-Cove-2 virus. It is a naturally occurring virus.

He said that our institute had received samples with undisclosed pneumonia on December 30 last year. When we examined the samples, a new type of coronavirus was found to be SARS-Cove-2. Earlier, we did not know much about it. We had neither researched it before nor put it in the lab.

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