Coronavirus: Ban, Gym, Club And Cinema Hall Closed After More Than 200 People Gathered In Rewari

The Haryana government has also become cautious about coronavirus. All cinema halls, multiplexes, gyms, clubs in Rewari have been ordered to be closed with immediate effect. The District Magistrate of Rewari has ordered the closure of all cinema halls, multiplexes, gyms, clubs in the district with immediate effect till 31 March 2020 in view of the threat of corona virus.

According to the order of the District Magistrate, the ban has been imposed till 31 March 2020 with immediate effect when more than 200 people gather at one place in activities like political, social, sports competition, religious, cultural, family celebrations etc. All these steps have been taken in compliance with the orders of the Government of Haryana.

No need to panic

Additional Deputy Commissioner Rahul Hooda has said that 27 people have been kept in the district, under the supervision of the Health Department, so far there is no positive case, there is no need to panic the district dwellers about the Corona virus being aware by the district administration. By staying aware, we can save ourselves from disease and can also save others. Health Department officials have been instructed that there should be a complete system of screening of suspected patients in hospitals so that patients can be given immediate treatment. Citizens returned from affected countries are required to inform the civil surgeon. As of now there are no positive cases in the district.

On Sunday, the district administration and health department have made beds in private hospitals. 7 such private hospitals in the district have been selected which have ICU ward. 22 bed reserves have been kept in the ICU of these private hospitals so that the patient can be shifted here in case of any emergency.

27 patients have been kept under observation

So far 27 people have been kept under surveillance in the district. These are the people who have returned either by staying abroad or by traveling abroad. A sample investigation of 6 people was conducted but no positive case has been found.

Railway station is being sanitized

Railway station is constantly being sanitized. Here the employees are constantly engaged in sanitizing from the walls of the station to the grills. Duty has also been imposed for Supervision. However, such efforts are not being done at bus stands and other public places.

Special caution in Chinese companies

There are two big sugar companies in the district. People of China are also employed in these companies. Employees who visited China in January have not returned. At the same time, employees who did not go to China are doing regular duty. However, they have not faced any problems so far.

These are the helpline numbers in the district

Nodal Officer of Corona, Dr. Vijay Prakash informed that helpline numbers have been issued for the information and help of any problem related to Corona virus. Information and services related to the corona are available round the clock on the helpline number 01274-250764 for Civil Hospital Rewari and on the mobile number 9416349426 of the Deputy CMO and District Nodal Officer and on the telephone number 01259-275105 for Kosli Sub Divisional Civil Hospital. These numbers can be contacted if there are any problems.

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